Meela Picks Up €400K; Launches Its Therapist-Patient Matchmaking Platform for Women

Image: FemTech Insider

FemTech Insider covers the release of Meela. For the full article, click here.

Therapist-patient matchmaking platform Meela was founded by Tiffany Boswell and Natali Suo with the mission to help women find their best-fit therapist from day 1. Today the team launches the platform, that has already served 400 beta-users and announces a €400K funding round. Investors in this round include Annika Sten Pärson and Per-Jörgen Pärson from The Inner Foundation, Kerstin Cooley and Katja Bergman from Brightly Ventures, The Case For Her and several early Kry/Livi employees.

The platform tackles one of the main problems of seeking therapy, where 50% of patients end treatment before their third visit often because of a therapist-patient mismatch. Meela has developed the world’s most advanced patient-therapist matching algorithm, according to the company, and takes into account 43 clinical data points, which increases the likelihood of a great therapeutic relationship. Among its beta users Meela has been able to reduce this number of drop-outs to 2.2.%.

For the full article, click here.


Meela 1 av 6 bolag att pitcha på DI Digital Female Founders 2022


Meela tar in 4.5 miljoner och lanserar sin matchmaking-plattform för psykologer - tunga namn investerar